; OpenAI tool tickets | YuyuCampus

OpenAI tool tickets

Note: OpenAI tool tickets are non-refundable. Please purchase according to the amount you need. Price details can be found at the end of the ticket list on this page.

The prices for AI tools are listed below (the amounts are without tax).

Content Price (US Dollar) Price (Japanese Yen) (1)
Text generation, per 1000 tokens (per token billing) (2) 0.004 0.5957
Image generation (256x256 pixels) 0.032 4.7656
Image generation (512x512 pixels) 0.036 5.3613
Image generation (1024x1024 pixels) 0.04 5.957
Paid speech to text, per hour (per second billing) (3) 1.5 223.3868
Paid text to speech, per 1000 characters (per character billing) (4) 0.024 3.5742

(1) The price in Japanese Yen changes with the exchange rate of the Japanese Yen to the US Dollar.

(2) How words are split into tokens is language-dependent. For English, 100 tokens is about 75 words. Both input and output texts are counted in the calculation of the tokens. Additionally, for conversational chat services involving practice for foreign language dialogue, it requires sending the records of the most recent few rounds of conversation to the AI (otherwise, the AI will forget what was discussed), resulting in the consumption of several times more tokens than usual content generation. For token details, please refer to the OpenAI official website. OpenAI Link

(3) Optional service during voice conversation with AI.

(4) Optional service during voice conversation with AI or in hearing AI's voice reading. Each Chinese character is counted as two characters for billing, including kanji used in Japanese, hanja used in Korean, or hanzi used in other languages.